WAGING PEACE screens at East Dallas Christian Church

WAGING PEACE  screens on  Wednesday, August 27th, 6.pm. to 8.pm. at  East Dallas Christian Church. Filmmaker Allen Mondell will participate in a panel with Senior Minister Deborah Morgan-Stokes and several congregants exploring how to make an impact on your community. 629 N Peak St Dallas, TX 75246 (214) 824-8185

WAGING PEACE at College of Charleston

I’ll be screening WAGING PEACE: The Peace Corps Experience at the College of Charleston on the evening of April 24th. We’ll follow the film with a panel discussion about not only the Peace Corps but also about volunteer opportunities around the world and in the local community.

JFK Legacy Film Now Playing

50 years after President Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas his legacy still inspires and gives hope. Our new film THE LEGACY is now on permanent view  at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza .  Millions of people have visited the Museum to read the text on the walls, listen to an audio tour and watch […]


UPCOMING: WAGING PEACE: The Peace Corps Experience Screens at  First Unitarian Church  Friday, May 3rd, I’m screening the film at  the First Unitarian Church in Dallas- 4015 Normandy Avenue- at 7 p.m. I’ll introduce the film and then answer questions about volunteering and the importance of cross cultural understanding in today’s world. I’m now arranging screenings with […]

WAGING PEACE at UT Dallas Cinematheque

Date: Wednesday, October 3 Time: 7:30 pm Place: Jonsson Performance Hall, UTD Dallas Cinematheque FREE . Filmmaker in Attendance Dallas documentary filmmaker Allen Mondell screens his new film Waging Peace: The Peace Corps Experience. WAGING PEACE: The Peace Corps Experience weaves personal letters, journals, emails and blogs written while serving overseas with the stories of four returned Volunteers whose […]

WAGING PEACE Premieres to Sell-out Crowd

Waging Peace: The Peace Corps Experience premiered to a standing room only audience at SMU’s Collins Center.  The evening was magical.  Media Projects dedicated the screening to long-time Board President, Dan Weiser.  Through his years of volunteering in the arts, politics and the environment, Dan has brought diverse groups together to make changes in the […]

WAGING PEACE: The Peace Corps Experience Premiere

Only a few tickets left!!!.  SMU, THE SIXTH FLOOR MUSEUM, and the North Texas Peace Corps Association present the World Premiere on June 21st.  We have had an overwhelming response. Buy tickets now. Click here.